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Psalm Tree Island Holiday Club / VBS

John Hardwick 

(so much more than just a download PDF book (not a hard copy book) , It also includes; Video theme song and Bible verse songs & MP3 of the songs)  

Have an adventure on Psalm Tree Island - Life is a journey with 'Highs and Lows'

Join the Watt family as the adventure across Palm Tree Island which has been taken over by pirates! Can they save the day?

Bible Stories focus on the lives of David and Jesus with the 'Ups and Downs' they faced. The Bible Memory Verses all come from David's Psalms. 

Comments from St John's Woodbridge:

  • Another fantastic holiday club with great fun, well written, Watt Family Adventure with very funny pirates!
  • The children really enjoyed 'Psalm Tree Island' and the songs and stories fitted the theme perfectly. The connections between the David and Jesus stories were very clear and the two worked really well.  {St John's Family and Children's worker}
  • Psalm Tree Island was crazy fun but serious too and all the children liked it and went away knowing how to connect with God. {Hana - Junior Helper}

Day 1 - Riding High {the good times} 
Day 2 - Mountian Top Experiences  {When things are so good you wish they could go on forever}
Day 3 - Not All Plain Sailing {when life doesn't go to plan}
Day 4 - Going Through The Valley {confusing Times}
Day 5 - Keep Following the Guide!


Focusing on Two major people of importance in our Christian faith – David and Jesus a combining the simple telling of both stories, and some of the Psalms of David, which are a wonderful way to learn spiritual truths to help us in the good times and the bad. Verses taken from the Psalms will be used for our Bible memory verses/songs.

Day 1: Riding High! (Means to feel very good) Riding/surfing those waves – Xciting Times!


Bible Story:

David’s rise to fame                                                                      

1 Samuel 16+17

And also Jesus walks on the water                                         

Matthew 14:22-33


Memory Verse:  Psalm 16:11


Day 2: Mountain-Top Experiences – Breathtaking views and awesome times!


Bible Story:

David the hero                                                                                 

1 Samuel 18

And also Jesus’ Transfiguration                                                

Matthew 17


Memory Verse: Psalm 121:1


Day 3: Not always plain sailing! (When things don’t seem to go to plan?)  


Bible Story:

David chased like an outlaw                                                      

1 Samuel 20

And Jesus arrested                                                      

Mathew 26


Memory Verse: Psalm 23: 1-3


Day 4: Down in the Valley!   (God is with us as we travel through the valley)  


Bible Story:

‘David Down in the Valley’                                                         

Psalm 23   

And the Disciple sadness and confusion,

Even Jesus felt abandoned on the cross.                              

Based on Matthew 27: 45-66


Memory Verse: Psalm 23:4


Day 5: Why should I follow the Island Guide?!  (Through to green pastures– Fix our eyes on Jesus – the creator and author of life)


Bible Story:

David is anointed King

(God was with him all the way)                                                                  2 Samuel 5: 1-5

And Jesus is Alive!                                                                                         

Matthew 28

He is the one who created life in the first place.

Death could not hold him! Trust in Him for your life!


Meory Verse: Psalm 100:4 

Psalm Tree Island Holiday Club / VBS

SKU: PTI3666153
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