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Junior Heroes Holiday Club PDF Book And MP3 & Video Songs, and simple video's of interactive poems and rhymes - So much more than just a book.

John Hardwick


Junior Heroes Holiday Club 

Join the Watt Family as they battle against the dastardly Baron Toothache! Junior Heroes holiday club focuses on superheroes, exploring the junior heroes (children) of the Bible. (Only available as a Download, not an actual paper hardcopy book).

1. Samuel, the boy who God spoke to

2. The boy who helped feed 5,000 men

3. David, the brave lad who God gave the victory to

4. The Servant Girl saved the mighty General Naaman

5. The boy King Josiah who brought his people back to God


The Church Times writes: I’m a John Hardwick fan; so it is good to know that he has produced more Holiday Club material. I’ve not yet had a chance to try out this book, but on first reading it looks as useful as his previous publications. Junior Heroes! explores the lives of young people of faith whom God used to do his work, and whose stories are told in scripture. The book provides guidelines for putting on a club, a suggested timetable and programme, theme songs, ideas for talks, games, crafts, puppet sketches, worksheets, and so on. There is also material for an end-of-club event, or slot in a service (Publisher: Barnabas).

Vacation Bible School. VBS theme / VBS Curriculum / 

PDF Book And MP3 & Video Songs, and simple video's of Bible Stories (John telling them 'live' at a holiday club) - So much more than just a book! (not an actual paper hardcopy book)

Eden Recommendations: This resource is absolutely packed with, well... everything! Plus it’s very adaptable and flexible. John Hardwick never fails to balance play, laughter & learning with perfection. Ideal for churches with limited space, leaders who need a no-hassle resource. (Suitable for age 5-11's)

Junior Heroes

With a Watt Family serial drama featuring the dastardly Baron Toothache, the Junior Heroes! holiday club focuses on superheroes, exploring the great heroes of the Bible – many of whom were children – and the armour of God.

This book contains all you need for another off-the-peg, easy-to-run holiday club (like 'Champions!') for 5-11's with a great atmosphere and loads of fun! 

You'll find all the details for a five-day programme, including songs, bible stories (parables), theme illustrations, daily drama/adventure story, puppet sketches, quizzes, crafts, games and fun sheets for younger and older children. The ideas can be adapted for all-age services, after-school clubs etc.

Book Contents in Detail
Junior Heroes! explores the lives of five children in the Bible: Samuel; the boy in the story of the feeding of the 5,000; David; Naaman's servant girl and King Josiah. Each had a strong faith in God and made a real difference in the face of adversity. In so doing, they each became junior heroes! Each story also incorporates an aspect of the Armour of God from Ephesians 6. Using John Hardwick's ever-popular mix of songs, warm-up activities, drama, crafts, games, puppet sketches, Bible narrations, quizzes, and fun sheets, the material offers five off-the-peg sessions for a holiday programme plus ideas for a Sunday service or one-off special event.

This is a download (from my computer to yours) - It is a large download so will be sent manually. John will send it ASAP.

Many thanks 

Please contact John if you would like any more information about what he does or whether you can book him up!
You can contact John through the contact information below or through the email form.

John Hardwick
Based in

Junior Heroes HolidayClub

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