Christmas Nativity Rock is a Narrator lead script which can be BIG or SMALL!
Loads of fun! With a Christmas Rocking Nativity!
(Download; from my computer to yours so you can print easily scripts for each cast member - it is also available from this website as a CD-Rom+CD which would be posted to you)
Christmas with the Watt Family! And Tough Rocking Shepherds! Cool Angels! Bad King Herod - Chase (He's behind you!)
Are we nearly there yet? Wise men! Reflective Manger Scene!
The Watt Family (used in all of my holiday club themes and hugely popular with the children) adventure is an option, not an essential part of 'Christmas Nativity Rock' as the narration and songs tell the story in an exciting way, but the Watt Family is a great way to add some extra fun as they go in search of the true the meaning of Christmas. The Watt Family is certainly an added attraction for holiday club children and their families.
The Big show (50 mins) including all the songs, and scripts, and chase scenes! Ideal for a bigger cast.
The Smaller show - shorter Nativity: easily adapted! You could do songs as rhyming scripts, and miss out certain songs to replace them with traditional carols. Ideal for a smaller cast
Christmas Nativity Rock’ musical production Includes:
• Engaging story-telling through narrators led script (all in rhyme), simple character scripts and songs.
• Stand-alone songs
a variety of styles of simple but exciting songs; (character songs, ballads, and songs of celebration)
1. time for C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S song
2. It's Party time - rocking angels
3. Angel Gabriels song - It's goooooood news ......
4. Mary's Song - How can this be? I met this cute guy called Joseph you see...
5. Joseph blues - Joes mad, Joes sad...
6. King Herod's song - I am the king - kind and generous? NO WAY!
7. Race to Bethlehem - Got to get there first!!! Song
8. Tough shepherds - We are shepherds - we're not scared!
9. Wiseman song - we nearly there yet, please say yes, I've got sand in my hair and it's causing me stress ...
10. A Manger song: "Baby Jesus what are you doing there?"
11. He came to bring hope, peace, joy, and love - he is the light of the world
• easily-learned parts
• Up-lifting ending
• ‘Christmas with the Watt family’ script.
Watch a demo on Youtube
Also Including:
- The Complete Humourous Script (with plenty of stage direction suggestions)
- Song tracks and Backing tracks (and certain sound effects)
- Full arrangement music score
- Words on Powerpoint for the cast to follow and word sheet
- A poster
An ideal follow-up event to invite your holiday club families along too.
Available as a 'Download' (straight from my computer to yours - or posted as a CD-Rom and CD also available on this website)
All will be sent on-line as a download, from my computer to yours! Including the script, sheet music, mp3 of the songs, backing tracks and all the items mentioned above It will be sent manually because it is too big for my website to send automatically and will take several minutes to download. John will send it to your computer ASAP.
or the CD-Rom (computer Disk) and CD includes the same as the download. Print the script and sheet music from the CD-Rom, and includes all the items mentioned above. The songs and backing tracks are on the CD -