John Hardwick
Singer, Songwriter, Author, Performer

Action packed 5-day holiday clubs complete with all the resources you need to run your event. I am also available to hire for events too.
Below is a quick overview of the themes for more information, click on the theme in the Shop.

What-A-Lott of fun! What-A-Lott of Kid's! What-A-Lott of cardboard shields and castles! What-A-Lott of Brave Knights! What-A-Lott of Beautiful Princesses! What-A-Gr8 Watt-A-Lott Watt Family Adventure! Download not an actual paper hard copy book).
1st: Endurance - Brave Knight Moses
2nd: Heroic Courage - Queen Esther
3rd: Be Loyal – David’s Mighty Men
4th: Hope; The Impossible Quest! - Joshua V Jericho
5th: Honour and thankfulness! – Jesus the King of Kings
Go Global Holiday Club is about how the Christian family grew and grew! Jesus said ‘Go into the world and share the gospel, the good news, God’s love with everybody, everywhere!’ This is the great commission! Everyone is welcome in this family! Download not an actual paper hard copy book).
Day 1: “Go, go, go!” - He’s Arrived! John the Baptist declaring ‘He is here’
Day 2: “Go & Grow” - Who’s invited? Everyone! Calling Peter!
Day 3: “Go Local” Switched on, - Pentecost
Day 4: “Go National” - Go anywhere and everywhere – Philip
Day 5: “Go Global” - Mission Impossible? – Paul and ordinary People!
Christmas with the Watt Family! Tough Rocking Shepherds! Cool Angels!
Bad King Herod - Chase Scene (He's behind you!)
Also; this is not a holiday club but ideal for a holiday club follow-up Christmas Event (Download or CD-ROM). Stand-alone songs or script; a variety of styles of simple but exciting songs.
FULL MUSIC SCORE ARRANGEMENT (for 11 New Christmas songs)
Pull up the anchor and get ready to sail as The Adventure Cruise launches into a programme of simple, fun-to-do activities.
We'll be cruising the six 'C's, meeting people along the way who have had a life-changing encounter with Jesus.
First of all there is the 'C' of Choice, then Courage, Call, Change, Commitment and Challenge.
Suitable for 5-11 year olds.
"5 out of 5 - Great! " - Amazon Customer
The five sessions cover Joseph's story as follows:
Day 1: The plot.
Day 2: The crime.
Day 3: Falsely accused!
Day 4: Go to jail
Day 5: Forgiveness isn't easy.
The theme is explored through an exciting mix of songs, up-front talks, theme illustrations and team challenges, daily dramas with the ever-popular Watt family, crafts, games, puppet sketches, dramatised Bible stories, quizzes and fun sheets, all provided off-the-peg and ready to roll.
"5 out of 5 - I love these" - Angel
Watch my demo video here
The five sessions cover Simon Peter's Journey of Discovery when he chooses to follow Jesus! The themes are as follows:
Day 1: Blast off into Space - TURNING.
Day 2: Beam Me Up! - TRUSTING.
Day 3: Black Hole - TRIPPING!
Day 4: Break Through - TRANSFORMED!
Day 5: Battle Stations - TRAINING!
The theme is explored through an exciting mix of songs, up-front talks, theme illustrations and team challenges, daily dramas with the ever-popular Watt family, crafts, games, puppet sketches, dramatised Bible stories, quizzes and fun sheets, all provided off-the-peg and ready to roll.

Watch my demo video here
A five-day holiday club plan, complete and ready-to-run. The Razzamatazz Robots Holiday Club is a fun-filled adventure. Download not an actual paper hard copy book).
Day 1: Creation Appreciation
Day 2: Creations Crown
Day 3: Careless Whispers
Day 4: Enough is Enough
Day 5: The Master’s Plan
Includes; Songs ,Bible Stories, Watt Family Adventure and more.
"This is a really good resource for a holiday club. There is lots of helpful information about props and how to use the book. I can definitely recommend it for primary school age children" - Mrs Worthington
"5 out of 5 - Excellent" - Ena Everson
An Olympic Theme: The five Bible stories are taken from the life of Jesus in the Gospels and link into the memory verses, which all come from the Epistles. The Champion of Champions.
(I only a few hard copies left but a PDF book is now available on this website)
Day 1: Direction: the boy Jesus in the temple
Day 2: Distraction: the temptation of Jesus
Day 3: Dedication: Jesus heals a paralysed man
Day 4: Determination: Jesus’ death and resurrection
Day 5: Decoration: Jesus’ ascension—alive and victorious!
The ideas in this book can also be adapted for all-age worship, junior church and after-school / midweek clubs.

Wackiest Wild West HOLIDAY CLUB
Yee-Haw - A Fun Wild West Theme: Including the Wild West Watt Family Adventure! The teaching is based on Moses who lead the Hebrews out on a trail across the wilderness!
Day 1: Wanted: Moses is Wanted! We are wanted by God to be in his family!
Day 2: Howdy Partner: God chooses to partner with Moses
Day 3: Saddle Up: Time to hit the trail and take action
Day 4: Dead End: Lifes trail doesn't always go the way we expect
Day 5: Fools Gold: It's so easy to be distracted by things that do not last.
Plus an Extra Episode!
The ideas in this book can also be adapted for all-age worship, junior church and after-school / midweek clubs.
Have an adventure on Psalm Tree Island - Life is a journey with 'Highs and Lows'
So much more than just a download PDF book (not a hard copy book). It also includes; Video theme song and Bible verse songs & MP3 of the songs)
Join the Watt family as the adventure across Palm Tree Island which has been taken over by pirates! Can they save the day?
Bible Stories focus on the lives of David and Jesus with the 'Ups and Downs' they faced. The Bible Memory Verses all come from David's Psalms.
(Manuel Download PDF Book plus video songs - not an actual paper hard copy book because that it no longer available in that format)
Contains 5 complete 2 1/2 hour programmes plus extra ideas for a special service or event.
Many great sporting heroes come from very ordinary backgrounds - often its sheer hard work and belief in what they can achieve that earn them success. When linked to a life of faith, such stories of success can be compared to one of the great Old Testament heroes: David - a small-town boy who made it big!
Running alongside the primary theme of David's rise from shepherd boy to king of Israel, the material links the biblical teaching to contemporary living by exploring five essential ingredients of sport, not just for healthy living, but also as a tool for spiritual well-being on the journey of faith.
Turn your church into a jungle and swing into action with the Jungle Jamboree Holiday Club / VBS. Christian Holiday Club (This is a download not an actual paper hard copy book).
Join Grandma and Rick and Wendy Watt as they venture through the jungle. Explore the greatest stories ever, made up by the master Himself! The stories are 5 of Jesus' Parables;
Day 1: The Great Feast
Day 2: The Good Samaritan
Day 3: The Prodigal Son
Day 4: The Lost Sheep
Day 5: The Talents!
Join the Watt Family as they battle against the dastardly Baron Toothache! Junior Heroes holiday club focuses on superheroes, exploring the junior heroes (children) of the Bible. (Only available as a Download, not an actual paper hardcopy book).
1. Samuel, the boy who God spoke to
2. The boy who helped feed 5,000 men
3. David, the brave lad who God gave the victory to
4. The Servant Girl saved the mighty General Naaman
5. The boy King Josiah who brought his people back to God
The Church Times writes:
I’m a John Hardwick fan; so it is good to know that he has produced more Holiday Club material. I’ve not yet had a chance to try out this book, but on first reading it looks as useful as his previous publications. Junior Heroes! explores the lives of young people of faith whom God used to do his work, and whose stories are told in scripture. The book provides guidelines for putting on a club, a suggested timetable and programme, theme songs, ideas for talks, games, crafts, puppet sketches, worksheets, and so on. There is also material for an end-of-club event, or slot in a service (Publisher: Barnabas).
Join the Watt Family as they battle against the dastardly Baron Toothache! Junior Heroes holiday club focuses on superheroes, exploring the junior heroes (children) of the Bible. (Only available as a Download, not an actual paper hardcopy book).
1. Samuel, the boy who God spoke to
2. The boy who helped feed 5,000 men
3. David, the brave lad who God gave the victory to
4. The Servant Girl saved the mighty General Naaman
5. The boy King Josiah who brought his people back to God
The Church Times writes:
I’m a John Hardwick fan; so it is good to know that he has produced more Holiday Club material. I’ve not yet had a chance to try out this book, but on first reading it looks as useful as his previous publications. Junior Heroes! explores the lives of young people of faith whom God used to do his work, and whose stories are told in scripture. The book provides guidelines for putting on a club, a suggested timetable and programme, theme songs, ideas for talks, games, crafts, puppet sketches, worksheets, and so on. There is also material for an end-of-club event, or slot in a service (Publisher: Barnabas).